Shipping Policy
At Rustic Town, we want our products to reach out to our valued customers as soon as possible. That's why we have in place our shipping policy for you.
- All orders are shipped from our warehouse in Texas, United States. We ship promptly within 24 hours of your purchase.
- We ship to most locations worldwide wherever our courier companies have presence. This includes Canada, Australia, United Kingdom and most countries in Europe.
- When you shop with us for orders worth $40 or more, we deliver your products via express shipping using premium courier companies such as DHL/FedEx/Aramex, etc. It usually takes about 3-4 days for an item to be delivered to your doorstep.
- For orders less than $40, we deliver your products via Standard Post. It takes about 3-4 weeks for an item to be delivered to your doorstep.
- We also provide a tracking number to you for every purchase made with us so that you can see for yourself how soon you can expect your item.
Please help us in delivering your stuff quickly by specifying the following at the time of checkout:
1) Correct shipping address including Zip Code. Our shipping partners are not able to deliver to Post Box addresses. So please make sure to mention a deliverable address.
2) Your contact number so that the courier service can reach you in case there is an issue.
3) Email address for us to reach you in case of any further communication required.