The process of learning how to dye leather and result in a high-quality end finish on your item requires one to do more trial. By following the below 5 steps you will be able to come up with a good and high-quality end finish. The steps might change depending on your choice of the leather dye to use since there are different approaches used especially between the alcohol and the water-based dyes.
- Working area which should be well ventilated.
- Leather dye of your choice [Alcohol, oil, water-based dyes depending on what you are dyeing]. Majority of commercially sold dyes come along with a leather preparer, the dye itself and a finish such as a leather sheen.
- Rubber gloves. [ wear them]
- Leather conditioner of your choice.
- Something to use for the dye application.
- Cotton swabs [best used for applying the dye at the edges and corners]
- A leather sealer. -Soft cotton rags or sponge to be used for applying the dye.
- Before starting your dyeing process move to a well-ventilated area since most of the leather dyes and leather preparers releases fumes that are not healthy when inhaled therefore ensure that you work in a well-ventilated space.
- Ensure that your dye is out of direct sunlight and extreme heat if you are carrying your dyeing outdoor.
- Wear your gloves since leather dye can stain your skin for some time and also ensure that your workspace is covered to protect it from dye stains which may be permanent on some surfaces.
- Using a clean piece of cloth wipe the leather and wipe off any dust on the material.
- Cover any part and/or area or any pieces of metal that you do not want it to be dyed using masking tape.
- Hydrate the leather using water and ensure that it is not oversaturated. [this will enhance easy and even penetration of the dye on the leather resulting in a fine and smooth finish]. Ensure you check on the label since some leather dye does not require this step.
- Dilute your dye so you can have more chances of using several coats to get your desired color.
- Use of very concentrated dye may lead to you getting the desired color on the first application.
- Use the base of the type of dye you are using to dilute your dye, for example; if it is water-based dye dilute with water, Alcohol-based dye dilute with alcohol, and if it is oil-based dye dilute with oil.
- Gently apply your first coat using soft cotton rag in a circular motion to achieve a uniform look.
- Allow your first coat to dry for some time then add another coat using the small circular motion allowing it to dry.
- Repeat the same procedure severally until you achieve the desired color and ensure that every part of the leather is dyed.
- Allow the dye to dry completely and ensure that the material at this point is undisturbed to prevent the dye from being smudged.
- After the last coat of the dye has fully dried, apply a conditioner in a circular motion and allow it to dry.
- Buff lightly using a clean piece of cloth and this will enhance a polished leather surface and also get rid of any dye remains.
- Using leather sheen may also help to put a shiny finish.
- Buffing and/or application of leather sheen will also help in preventing the leather from being sticky. Conclusion.
By following the leather dying steps carefully, it can result in your desired finished product whether you are creating a new leather item or repairing an old item. Do a lot of practice and try severally how to dye leather since it is an easy, simple and fun project to involve yourself in. Whether you are trying to dye your best leather bag, leather belt or jacket ensure you practice well to get a high-quality item. Through following the above steps, it will easily allow you to make a new color look on your leather item and take you to your desired finished product.